Screen Shot: Wu-tang badge
Here are some of my favourite link and also some sh*t links, but u have to check them out? Ihad to use this picture becuase i think it is so cool!
Cool links!
Habbo Hotel
This web site is a chat room but with a difference, you make your own charachter then take him around "habbo hotel" meeting new people, and if your lucky you can take them back to your customized bed room, check it out! p.s it aint as good as willow!
This isnt a very interesting site as you may know, but it is useful, you can either searcch for other willow sites, which wont be as good as this one, or you can chat!
Wu names
This is also a really cool site, it allows you to type in your own name and it will give you your very own wu-tang name, for example mine would be Gratuitous F-REEK and willows would be Jive Talkin' Choirboy.
Msn is only good for one thing, which is chatting to your mates, but beleive me it gets boring after a while!
This site is very similar to steakandcheese, go see it for yourself.
Other cool links which are`nt as good as willow!
Willy wonka
If you were to ask me i would say "willy wonka" is the second best film made, this sites gives you inside information on each of the characters and pictures, check it!
Napster is a real cool site allowing you to download songs which will never be released again or songs that are hard to get hold of, a personal favourite of mine is the willow theme tune.
Check out these Things!
Look on this site and check out the Muppets that are on it, dont forget to sign their guest book telling them how gay they look!
This site is v.funny it has pictures you wont beleicve are true,go and see it!
Capone n noreaga lyrics
Two of my favourite rappers, check out some of their lyrics and see for yourself how good they are!
You have ot check out this site, go on it and learn the illingworth dance in 3 simple steps, top marks to the site creator,SOUTH
Yes,this is a car web site, but personally i think the cars are the best made, check it out and see what you think.
What do you think of my willow links?
Sign my guest book and tell me what you think of my willow links please.